It’s A Beautiful Day… To Stay Inside

Many people have their days, dreams, goals, and capabilities robbed by chronic illness and disability. We spend more time in bed than we do out and about. Our close connections and friends dissipate and wander to more outgoing and jovial associations while we watch the world move on from our electronic devices. Social Media posts begin with wishing we were there and somewhere along that too is lost.

Having spent many years watching the world from my electronic screen I found I had gathered a wealth of knowledge no one, not even myself, should ever really care about. Did that stop me from deciding I would begin putting together a whole endeavor surrounding the concept of oversharing all of the information I collect from the deep recesses of my mind while I lay under the comforter of my bed which, in fact, does not provide the comfort level I feel I deserve and desire because it will never return to me the ability to be a fully functioning member of society.

All of that aside, Bedside Manner provides a slightly dark humor to my wandering mind and I hope to spread my findings, and slightly off-putting demeanor, like the disease it is. Perhaps I can infect another in this world with a little inspiration, a chuckle, or at least a useless comment or two to insert into conversations one would wish to leave or perhaps are found entertaining. Regardless, I share the information and hope, you too, no matter your status, health, wealth, or otherwise, find Bedside Manner pleasing enough to entertain yourself under your own comforter. Dawn your favorite pajamas, mine are almost always satin, snatch your favorite snack, and soak in some useless information under the blanket, or comforter, of your choosing!

Photo by Ioana Motoc on


Even Though You Never Asked For All Of This Information… You Know You Want More